Every new years eve I like to watch the date on my computer change all three the day, the month, and the year

Ladies ; wear the thin underwear with the really skinny jeans & pants , & save the thick underwear for the baggy jeans & sweatpants ..

Read for hours... then hear a narrative for everything you do after you stop reading. for ex: "Jen gets out of the car, shutting it with a loud bang. She walks towards the house, noticing the dead squirrel in the road."

Realise logically that a chicken egg is her period. we eat chicken periods!

When you think you don't hear someone, but as soon as you say, "what?" and they start repeating it, you realize that you know what they had said. But then you don't want to be rude, so you let them finish.

Wait until there is nobody in the bathroom and then fart really really loud. Also I flip my pillow every 10 minutes so my head is on the cold side. (try it some time)

"????????? ???? ?????! ??? ?? ???????? UH1 HUEY!!! ??? ?? ???????? ??????? ??????????? ?????, ????????? ?? ??????? ? ??????????????? ???????!!! ?????? ????, ???????????????? ?? ???????, ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ????! ???? ???????????? ???????, ????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????????, ? ??????????? ?????, ??? ????????? ??????? ??????????? ?????!!! ? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ??????????? ??????????. ???????? ????????,???? ????, ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ???? ? ??????. "

I let everyone know I'm a lesbian as soon as I meet them, ('cause I wouldn't want to continue talking to someone who hates gays).

Touching your nipples at night wondering if anyone else wanted to touch them all day :)

Putting your bra on your dogs dead

get embarrassed when someone is in the public bathroom, and your shit makes a splash in the toilet

The ability to go one hour back in time by concentrating really hard for two hours.

Realize you are dreaming and try to wake yourself up.

I like eating chicken clubs with my hands and dip them in ketchup while pretending I am a caveman

Look at the clock to realize that it seems like the "second" hand is taking longer on the number its on right when you look at it, and/or you looked at the clock at the absolute perfect time. And it happens frequently..

log off the internet then think of something and go back on

Think of a bunch of "things you think only you do" after you leave the site

Read and laugh at about any top comment here... because it happens to me too.

Spending the night at someone's house and waking up and thinking your at your house then realizing your not

get home from work and masturbate instantly

hearing the opening theme music to Disney or 20th Century Fox or whatever and knowing what it is before you see the screen, then wondering if you should feel proud or if your a weird geek.

Walking into the little door at the store that people put the carts though.

jack off

look around my house for something to do for what feels like an hour then look back at a clock to realize thats its only been 4 minutes

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.