Read and laugh at about any top comment here... because it happens to me too.

Pubic hair wishes... While on the toilet you try to pull out a hair... If it comes out close your eyes and make a wish....and throw it into the toilet... Flush... Repeat!

Putting your bra on your dogs dead

Try to flip the dice at the casino to my number with my mind

After using the restroom at someone's house I turn on the water and proceed to check myself in the mirror while the water runs and sounds like I'm washing my hands then I turn off the water and walk out.

join online argument even though you have no idea what the argument is about

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I've had a problem all my life with people thinking I'm a boy, (I'm a girl) so when I first meet someone, my instinct is to find some reason, (however stupid) to say that I'm a girl, (EX: "Can you believe that people actually think I'm a boy?" like when I just meet them).

Laying or sitting down in a really comfy position, then getting up to do something, and when you come back you can't figure out the position you just had.

if someone posts something disgusting but true on this same site, rethink pressing the "thumbs up" button out of embaressment.

Secretly open a packet of something or spray some deodorant in a shop to check what it looks/feels/smells like. Then put it back and pick up the one behind because you just used/opened the one you were just holding.

Touching your nipples at night wondering if anyone else wanted to touch them all day :)

I see some one I have a crush on in the hallway and I walk towards them and brush my arm against them and be like OMG I TOUCHED HER!

look around my house for something to do for what feels like an hour then look back at a clock to realize thats its only been 4 minutes

Stalk boyfriend's facebook, go to everything he's commented on, and comment too.

getting self conscious when wearing a hoodie because you start pitting out and you can start to smell BO...

Sometimes when it's very windy, i Loudly yell "Stop". The Wind most often seem to lower it's intensity or completely blow off.

When I'm trying to sleep and my mind's like, "Hey, know what's a good movie? Paranormal Activity!" Then I can't sleep for an hour - Brayden Everes

i just sit there thinking, how is it not butter?

I check behind the the shower curtin before I use the bathroom at night.

Make a screeching noise with my mouth as I go around corners in my car too fast.

I put big spaces in between comments

Sometimes, after I say "bye" to a person on facebook, I wait a few seconds before I log off so that it seems like I said "bye" to other people too. Because I'm just that popular.

Close you closet door whenever you are about to go to bed.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.