Make a screeching noise with my mouth as I go around corners in my car too fast.

Worry that I'm will go schizophrenic.

outside in the dark see a face in the tree thinks its bigfoot come to get me!

When home alone, I put cans in front of the door so if someone breaks in, I wake up.

Try to pee on the toilet-paper in the toilet so it rips in half

get so shitfaced you wake up in a closet with piss everywhere

join online argument even though you have no idea what the argument is about

if someone i like or want to impress is around i change the song I'm listening to to something that i know they like or something not embarrassing, just in case they ask me what i'm listening to.

Sometimes, I ask myself philosophical questions. The one that is bugging me now is "If reincarnation is real, why is this life so vivid?"

choose which piece of cereal in the cereal bowl i should eat last.

When you say something you think is funny but it turns out that it's only funny in your head so once you say it there's this moment of awkwardness and everyone else probably just forgets about it but it haunts you for the rest of your life. ~

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I've had a problem all my life with people thinking I'm a boy, (I'm a girl) so when I first meet someone, my instinct is to find some reason, (however stupid) to say that I'm a girl, (EX: "Can you believe that people actually think I'm a boy?" like when I just meet them).

I eat ass

I sometimes see or think of words and pronounce them differently. ie. Garbage, gar-bah-ge ("ge" like a vibration sound), Target, tar-jhay

Listen to music while browsing the internet, having facebook open in another tab, and randomly you hear facebook message sounds, even though they aren't really there.

When my friends talk bout a show they ask did u see the one where they did this and I nod even thow I have no idea what they're talking about

toilet:a place for reading and going on fb shower:place for singing school:place for sleeping and fuck others.internet:place for shitting brixs.

slow down in front of automatic doors thinking they won't open and then rushing through when they do so you don't look stupid

Whenever I'm throwing trash down the garbage chute or into a dumpster, I all of the sudden am terrified that I accidentally threw out a valuable ring/my cell phone with the trash.

Not answer a question or something of the sort Evan if you know you know the answer because you are paranoid that you are wrong.

when I have to shred important documents I am still not satisfied that I even burn the shredded paper

Will use delayed foot-to-ass insults on verbal bullies. You know, the kind that goes off in the persons head days or weeks after they thought they won an argument with me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.