when your walking past a chain link fence you slide your fingers along it because it feels cool

Cross the street or go some other way to avoid the awkward moment of long lasting side by side walking (a move known as the 'overtake') when walking right behind someone who is slightly slower than you.

I sometimes have bad dreams that for some reason I don't want to wake up from because I just want to see what happens next

Convince yourself that all of your friends are partying together without you when they dont respond to your text messages.

I count how many steps it takes to cross a section of sidewalk, and will continue taking the same amount of steps until I realize it.

open the fridge A eat food B think

after you've been in a fight i usually think up some epic move i could've done instead.

Two minutes after I text the person I like, I check the message to see what time I sent it and what time the person received it, and estimate that it takes the adverage person about a minute to respond and then another minute for you to receive it. so really, if the person likes you, it would take them about 3 minutes to respond. if its five, you automatically assume they hate you.

Say what even when u heard someone

When Im going to sleep , I try to think of good things so I wont think of scary things

start planning Halloween costumes on November first.

Find it impossible to get rid of the itch on the bottom of my feet or my palms when they're itchy

Realizes there is less toilet paper than first thought. Hobbles across bathroom to find more. Failure. Take shower.

When I'm fighting with someone and I've ran out of good points, I just start making random noises.

This is kind of embarrassing... after I watched "Truman Show" I went home and talked to my mirror like Jim Carrey does in the film.

I feel like my blanket is an indestructible shield against any monsters that might try to get me at night. If any part of you is out of the covers, you're screwed. lol -ML

I seriously contemplate what my theme song would be. I imagine it would have no words and a slight Mission Impossible influence.

When a room is dark and the light is really far away, I close my eyes to feel my way to the lamp.

When I'm waiting for someone who is late. I go-over in my head how I'm going to greet them. For example "Well, it's about damn time", or "Finally!".

Count the number of letters in a word or phrase.

Seriously I am tired but, I read the fucking solvemedia stating "forget this", then I stood there for a moment having just forgot what I was supposed to type. "Was I not supposed to forget what I just read?" Nero: BRAINWASHING! FORGET THIS AND LET ME SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER! IM LEUTANANT BANGUS YOUR MUTHERUS YOU IDIOT!

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Develop a really weird sleeping pattern in the summer, for example going to bed a 5 A.M. and waking in the early afternoon.

get caught up in youtube comment arguments

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.