feed a gecko worms every day, not the good worms though...

chewing icecream before you swallow it

When you are looking over someones shoulder and they look at you thinking you are staring at them so you suddenly turn your head

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

fist myself to the point of unconsciousness whilst masturbating to the speeches of Hitler

It is really difficult for me to lose control of myself

Secretly think that Flo from the Progressive commercials is bangable.

sometime i poop in my hand, then put it in the toilet so it makes less noise and the water doesn't splash up my butt.

Not being able to balance in heels because the insides are smothered in foot sweat. -_-

Hearing someone singing a song and stopping midway, so you need to finish it.

whenever you walk into the bathroom with your phone/laptop/electronic device you stay sitting on the toilet even though you are done because you are so engaged with whatever you are doing

Sometimes when I'm sitting next to someone I start thinking stuff about him/her, making fun of their clothes in my mind or something. Then I have a feeling that maybe that person can read thoughts and immediately start thinking about something else, and avoid eye contact until one of use leaves

When I have nothing do do in Life Science I read the textbook.

Accidentally make a weird noise and quickly turn around frantically to see if anyone else hear it.

When I am walking at night, I see a slight shadow behind me for a second, I walk faster, I see the shadow again, I think it is some kind of scary monster and then I decide to run for my life. When I get back home, I realize the shadow is my shadow.

Smile like a damn dork when I watch romantic movies.

Every time i find an insect in my basement i grab it put it in the toilet and pee on it victoriously while its being flushed down. But Im a nice guy, and i worry about this evil hatred i have towards insects.

Read through all these posts and get all excited when you see things that you thought only you did

Clench your butt super hard to slowly let out a fart thinking no one will know.

think that the whole world is a dollhouse and we are being controlled by giant people above who live in a whole differnt world

Look at restaurant signs and realize the font isnt as fancy as you once thought

When I wait for something to load, I right click and then quickly try to drag a box around the right click box before it disappears. Then I try to right click and drag and see if I can outline the right click box before it appears.

I feel like I'm superman every time I run by the counter in the kitchen and the papers on it go flying off.

At school I go along with the norm even though inside I HATE it!!!!

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.