If I have to put the garbage out at night I sprint back into the house so the monsters don't get me

Rinse off salted nuts before eating them

When im going from one room to the next, i try and get into the other room before the door to the last room closes. If i do, I've won.

Take advantage of loud traffic to fart really hard.

get caught up in youtube comment arguments

After going to the bathroom, flush the toilet than hurry out of the bathroom and walk fast past a certain line going across the floor or make an imaginary line on the floor before the toilet fully flushes.

browse the internet at school and look at shit brix and the dog with the jesus butthole appears and the teacher saw and said what are you looking at? i was banned for the rest of the term. jesse footter

when i use omegle u usually say im a girl, when a guy says how long is his thing, i say 'mine too' :D

Check my underwear for any sh!t from farts (yes, sometimes my shit comes with a fart) captcha: royal flush

Pee while setting down even if your a dude.

Smile like a damn dork when I watch romantic movies.

I like to eat the crust on pizzas

I look for comments in this site that are on or close to 0 so that when i like or dislike them, i make a difference to the outcome :)

when I have an itch on my hand I scratch it with my stubble

pull out a flies wings and let it go

when you're microwaving something and you have to pee, you run to the bathroom. then you run back to see if there is still time left before the "bomb" goes off.

Having the tv on always, just for background noise. Doesn't work with a computer/laptop, must be the tv.

At school I go along with the norm even though inside I HATE it!!!!

I like to burn candles in my room and some times I burn the hair on my arm and smell it afterwards

See someone walking or in their car driving then imaging what they're doing next or imagine the rest of their life.

never wanting to poop in other houses. You have to use your toilet

When I have nothing do do in Life Science I read the textbook.

Do an epic air drum solo while listening to Phil Colins "In The Air Tonight"

Shake my hands frantically back and forth when watching the microwave count down or the printer print, as if it will make them go faster.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.