I think SpongeBob and Patrick are rude, inconsiderate a_holes. ... That's right, I'm an adult and I watch SpongeBob. lol

Thinking about different guys and how they would be in bed, then thinking im a slut for thinking it...

When I'm sleeping, I turn and my bed shakes, and I wake up thinking it's an earthquake.

You do a retarded dance when a song you don't like comes on

Do an epic air drum solo while listening to Phil Colins "In The Air Tonight"

Randomly think odd scenarios in your head and say if that happened this is what i would do and then forget about it the next day

If im eating food i shouldnt and i dont want anybody to know i jump if anyone comes in and catches me.

Walking past a light switch, but miss when try to turn the lights on so you just keep walking instead.

Rereading a text message 25 times before you send it to make sure it makes sense.

When bored, I often fold pieces of paper to make a little point and poke my fingers/hands with it.

When I'm walking on the sidewalk, I try to count and keep a steady rate of how many times I step on each slab of concrete.

Turn the fan and/or sink on in the bathroom to drown out the noise from masturbating.

I can't stop watching ST:DS9, (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) It's so awesome, but then I just, (the same thing happens with whatever T.V. show i watch) GET COMPLETELY OBSESSED with it.

I never let anything go over the toilet when It's open.

I sometimes try to summon things with the force of my thoughts...I would be so useful...but no way, nothing ever moves.

I sit in a chair upside down and pretend like i'm walking on the ceiling.

Take advantage of loud traffic to fart really hard.

pretend celebrities are watching you then getting really freaked out.

I'm so used to pooping with my phone that everytime I forget it I take less than 5 minutes, versus the usual 26.

Getting the strong urge to "woo" or scream in a large and quiet crowd, such as during church.

Sometimes I like to count the amount of steps it takes to get upstairs/downstairs. Then I realize that the number is never the same.


Whenever I cross the road with someone I try to walk faster then them just in case a car comes it won't drive me over.

I make a mental note NOT to buy the product or service if I feel they are trying to brainwash me with their ads.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.