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After a meal if I need to use a toothpick I would eat the piece of food I "picked".

always check thde back seat before starting the car

being super bored at school

When something weird happens I nod in agreement.

ur parents never pay attention to u but when they do they r yelling at u

wonder if anyone is on at 12 A.M. log on to a social network and realize that theres a lot of people on

Try to balance on and off on the light switch.

Sometimes, when I like something on a certain website and see that someone else on my facebook friend's list likes it as well, I think that they're stalking me.

I am Moral Man your friendly r*pist neighboorhood, what only I can do? I can steal, cheat, kill r*pe boys and girls, cats, not mouse heck I am no pervert either see? All this and I can still be... ...A SMOOTH CRIMINAL! AH! YAHOOW!

When im in a public toilet, i try not to make any sounds when taking a crap, not even a fart, so that when i come out no one will think i was taking a crap.

When your friend tells you something, but you don't hear them so you just start laughing.

Not get any thumb ups on a post. Turns out there really are some things only I do...

thinking about how you will never understand who in the world thought it was a good idea to spell "Wednesday" like that

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When I check into a hotel room I think about the countless number of sex acts that has been performed in there.

only feel the need to click one of the related sites that draws you after youve clicked 'next page'

in silences, freak, thinking someone can read your mind and tell them off in your head

I never let anything go over the toilet when It's open.

Whenever Terminator 2 is on tv, I become enthralled and can't stop watching even though I've seen it a million times.

Listen to music while browsing the internet, having facebook open in another tab, and randomly you hear facebook message sounds, even though they aren't really there.

Call the ninja turtles by their full names.

try to count down when the school be is going to ring.

pick leaves of bushes while im walking and rip them up into small pieces

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.