i have my own way of eating every chocolate bar i eat, layer by layer

When you get in trouble, think of what you could have said or done so you could've gotten away with it.

Trying on other people's clothes at the gym/laundromat when they ain't looking!! (^_^)

Liking your own posts to make it seem like at least 1 person likes you. thinking that maybe someone will be slightly compelled to like it because someone already did.

I am always SO sure the metal detector or store alarms will go off when I walk through them. –Ikka

sit in the shower

Purposely scuff a shoe on pavement after the other scuffs by accident. Feel you scuffed this foot a little too much and so re-scuff the first to balance things out.

when I'm walking i always try to step over the cracks with the same foot every time

When something weird happens I nod in agreement.

when you're microwaving something and you have to pee, you run to the bathroom. then you run back to see if there is still time left before the "bomb" goes off.

pick leaves of bushes while im walking and rip them up into small pieces

Checking out peoples cars to try and figure out what kind of driver they are.

put the volume on the TV as an even number, and feeling uncomfortable if it's on an odd number

I am Moral Man your friendly r*pist neighboorhood, what only I can do? I can steal, cheat, kill r*pe boys and girls, cats, not mouse heck I am no pervert either see? All this and I can still be... ...A SMOOTH CRIMINAL! AH! YAHOOW!

Hit the enter key really hard when finishing a long piece of text that you have just written.

When I'm cooking, I mumble everything I'm doing under my breath like I'm in a cooking show and I'm talking to the audience.

Not get any thumb ups on a post. Turns out there really are some things only I do...

When i'm home alone with the dog i have a conversation with the dog, sometimes in my head & sometimes out loud, in the voice that i think the dog would have if it could speak. Then sometimes i realise that i haven't checked if anybody else is home !

Walk out of movie thinking that I would be like them some day.

Cover up the webcam on my laptop because I think someone might be watching me through it.

When you know your alone, you still have to check the whole house.

I don't care about gender stereotypes. Moral: If I want to like Pink unicorns I will like them!

I smell or rinse cups before I put water in them. Even if they are clean.

Getting really ticked off when Wikipedia tells you the ending of a book in the introduction. And the thing is that you don't even see it coming! Ex. My Sister's Keeper is about a family struggling with its own internal problems, especially with the oldest daughter having leukemia and the youngest is the only one who may or may not save her. *name* dies in the end. WTF?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.