Think that some of the posts here are pretty damn normal and how that means I am much weirder than I thought I was

I talk to myself while playing games so I don't feel lonley!

Try to balance on and off on the light switch.

I like to burn candles in my room and some times I burn the hair on my arm and smell it afterwards

When you Sitting on the couch and say "I am hungry" but then don't do anything because you are too lazy.

While walking past someone thats wearing sunglasses you stare at them and wonder if there staring a t you aswell

Feeling guilty for something you haven't done.

I wonder sometimes if I've ever met my future self.

Check this site often to see if anyone liked my comment or not...

Smell your hands to see if there dirty.

Every time I watch the movie I cry when the babysitter sings that song in the blues bar in the movie "Adventures In Babysitting"

when you dont know what someone said so you just awkwardly start laughing and it turns out not to be funny.

Sometimes I stop typing in the middle of a sen

stare at someones face until they distort and then wonder why they are asking me why I'm smiling.

make those little rectangles with your mouse on the computer get so close that they are together and you cant see them and try to move to the left or right, keeping the lines together so you cant see them.

Sometimes, when I'm alone and it's dark outside, I like to cover my body in petroleum jelly and pretend to be a slug.

I split my gum in half so I can chew on both sides.

I have a feeling that life is a Video Game for another Universe. When the player looks at their computer screen, they see what I see. They control everything I do. Like The Sims games. Everyone else is either other players in a multiplayer server, or they are are all fake, computer players.

right before I go to sleep, I think about a certain situation. so I will dream about that

when on long car rides look out the window imagineing stick figures running

Feeling like no one really "knows" me, but only what they already see/know. Most things about me my family don't know about.

Sometimes when walking, accidently fart and then try to squeak my to sound like my shoes squeaked instead of me farting.

If I have to put the garbage out at night I sprint back into the house so the monsters don't get me

i pretend to have the ability of telekinesis and move things around my house , garden, playground...

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.