Checking out peoples cars to try and figure out what kind of driver they are.

Wondering how you look to other people and adjusting your clothes and posture so you don't feel as unatractive as you think you are, but aren't.

Wipe drink can with shirt after someone (mainly father) has had a sip.

Never write LOL on a text message, because you don't want to sound too extreme

When i'm home alone with the dog i have a conversation with the dog, sometimes in my head & sometimes out loud, in the voice that i think the dog would have if it could speak. Then sometimes i realise that i haven't checked if anybody else is home !

I fantasize about my idol as I try to fall sleep at night. He's Michael Jackson.

being super bored at shool

When watching television, I give people I don't like the finger

Turn the fan and/or sink on in the bathroom to drown out the noise from masturbating.

think that the whole world is a dollhouse and we are being controlled by giant people above who live in a whole differnt world

Think about my life as a book when I'm in public, for example "I then walked over to my friend to say hello to him."

When I'm on Facebook, I don't like anything in my news feed thats older then 15 minutes or else i'll feel like they think ima creeping on them.

I can't drink while I'm walking I have to stop.

If some makes you mad you do things alot better than you would if you were not mad

Smell your hands to see if there dirty.

Try to fly by jumping and then discover you can't

I sit in my sink and pretend that I am water.

I have an imaginary therapist. I talk to him in my head and he actually gives me really good answers.

Whenever I am in a dark room at night, and there is a window with blinds with a light shining through, I stand in front of it and pretend I am wearing a striped prison jumpsuit.

Dance in the car just so the person you like will see you and be like "Aw, cute" but then they don't even see you so you stop...

stare at a word and try to sound it out backwards to see if it spells something backwards.

Sometimes, when I'm alone and it's dark outside, I like to cover my body in petroleum jelly and pretend to be a slug.

While watching a movie, I hold my breath whenever there is a scene with the main character underwater just to see how long i would last in that situation.

when dialing a number, i hear the number itself when it is dialed

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.