Everytime I look at the clock it see so say 4 20 9 11 or 11 11

I think source beggars are lazy pest that should be groin kicked

Whenever I fall over I always seem to think coherently throughout the fall about what can I do to make this less painful

Think that If I leave a big knife out on the counter- or a pair of tights/belt/scarf out in view, I believe that ultimately someone will break in and kill me via the aforementioned items.................and I will only have myself to blame.

When driving along in the car, imagining crashing and another car coming into you and the repercussions of it all.

Fire imaginary rocket launchers at passenger planes flying overhead, then panic thinking what if it really blows up?

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Being all alone in your house and your mind starts to believe its haunted.

I have minions that do what I want because pleasing me makes them happy. Moral: I control, the way you move, how do you like my grove zerg dude?

I always have trouble leaving a airplanes lavatory I never get the door open

It takes half as long to take a dump if I forget my phone.

When you are outside, you see a small shadow moving across the ground. You think it's a ball someone threw, so you look up to catch it, only to realize it is a bird.

Start thinking about how your walking, and then worry that you may lose control of your legs and fall.

Give vocal commentary on the song I just played when I'm the only one in the car.

When you cringe as you walk out of a store because you're paranoid the door will beep...

Try to make a sound described in a book or text (like a gasp or a gargle)

Sometimes when you're at work and you're REALLY horny, you look around at the women you work with and think who you really would like to bone, then on another particular day when you aren't horny, you see the same women and think to yourself " I must have REALLY been horny. What was I thinking?" lol (not trying to be gross, but honestly, who doesn't get horny while at work sometimes)

Love the natural smell of my dog's paws.

Back away as much as I can from airplane toilets before flushing them because the noise scares me

Wonder if certain people can read my mind... start thinking weird stuff and try to stop.

Act as if you don't notice her, but you really are dying to take another look at her.

Stepping on a concrete sidewalk square the exact amount of times as the others.

Sometimes I think of doing really bad things and smirk, only to later regret even thinking of it and start questioning myself while feeling bad about it.

Listening to my iPod with other people walking by me or sitting near me and feeling mysterious and cool.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.