Skip lines to read faster then get confused by everything for the next 10 pages.

Slowly close the fridge door to see when the light bulb turns off.

I practice my signature on a piece of paper over and over again. Even though my signature has never changed.

Sick the top of you fingers in your pants when you are doing something that requires one hand, like watching t.v

clean my ears with finger if they feel it.

i noticed that a lot of people pronounce "LOL" like roll. Am i the only one that reads it as L. O. L. (el oh el) ????

Press harder on the remote when I know the batteries are dead.

I try to say something, but a bunch of people are talking at the same time so I yell at them to shut up and as soon as I say something I realize I was wrong so I say"okay" as calm as possible to keep from looking like a douche

Imagine the perfect video game and wonder why nobody made it yet.

Look at the toilet paper after i wipe my ass just to make sure i didn't leave anything behind..

Eat a biscuit realise how nice it is and eat the whole packet

I would try to make my pencil shavings as long as possible.

Having gay sex

Wish I could hang out with some people from this site sometimes.

Set multiple alarms to wake me up in the morning so I dont just turn it off and fall back asleep

Write my own music without literally writing it on something even though I'm only grade 3

Have deja vu while talking to someone and then stop listening to what they are saying for a few seconds till the feeling passes, then nod like you have been listening the whole time.

Imagine that other people can see what im doing, then try to act differently.

Think about what to say to the person you like and never actually say it .

Whenever I'm chewing on gum that has lost its flavor, I extract the gum from my mouth using my fingers before putting it back in so the flavor would return.

Pretend i'm a sim.

When an awkward situation arises, pull out my phone and aimlessly flip through the apps to pretend I'm busy doing something

Have a sudden urge to say "bomb" at an airport.

when you kill a bug you act like a god and yell something before you kill it

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.