Laughing at a joke that you dont think is funny but everybody else does

Feel like you're the only one pressured into giving gum away by your friends.

Saving my cash this year and not buying into the shopping hype

Think about the things you could do with you had the power to stop the time.

Sitting next to a banana called James

Pour the cheap shampoo I can only afford these days into the empty expensive bottle to trick myself I'm still using the good stuff.

Pee in the garbage at night when I don't want to wake the whole house up.

when your doing something or going somewhere you think didn't I already do this, like your back in time.

Only read the shortest sentences on "Things You Think Only You Do". More than 2 sentences I skip.

I want to trade bodies and thought processes with my crush, so we could understand each other better.

When you can't hear your friend, but you nodd your head and snicker, hoping it was a joke

see a old couple in the street and think," i wonder if he still bangs her" lol

has a plastic bag full of plastic bags in your house

When sitting on the pot I whip and then I feel like I have to crap again.

I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because f*ck the NSA.

I apologize, when i bump against things.

When I do something stupid and people are around I hope that nobody saw me and I never tell anyone what I did. But if i do something stupid and I am alone I feel I have to tell somebody.

When I'm riding in the car, I'll spot a tree, make it my goal and try to beat the car on the opposite side of the road to it. (Seriously I don't think anyone else does this!)

Videotape my mother in the shower.

you turn the dial on your microwave until it reaches as far as it can go

When I get the chance, I always nick a chip from my mum's or dad's dinner.

Judge a stranger in your mind (God, they're ugly/fat etc.) then wonder if they heard you thinking it.

hug the pillow at night so it protects me from monsters

When I have an argument with someone and they're correcting my grammar over a word that I obviously made up but they're grammar/slash spelling skills suck I want to end them.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.