When you get lost while driving, the first thing you do is turn down the radio.

I choose not to post a comment on some subjects because I know there will be a hundred others that will be the same.

When a book is boring, i will think of my favouite song and then i will start singing the book, like i will look at the words and ligit, start singing them in my favourite tune~im so weird

when home alone, I sing a song like im performing it in front of a crowd of a thousand people and any object nearby usually becomes my microphone

Whenever someone dies I try to guess who will die next so I wont be as shocked

Search for blackheads on your arms for hours just because youre bored!

Still record on VHS tapes.

Eat my shed skin from a sunburn

When you're having a discussion or an argument with someone and you are about to say something important then you completely forget what you were going to say.

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act like a giant/dinosaur while eating broccoli xD

Sometimes I would just be thinking to myself and then think of something funny and laugh but I don't share it with anyone else makes me look insane.

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Something that bothers me is when a movie sequel comes out and for whatever reason the same things from the first movie happens so they just end up making the same movie

I Masturbate Daily.

Whenever I fart, I always smell it. But when other people fart, I don't want to smell it.

I violate and then kill people, all ages and kinds... ..:But everyone does that right? I mean... Lol, I just type that because I am insecure now, and I kill when I am insecure... ...Excuse me.

Sometimes at night, I find myself imagining people I know saying my name, trying to get my attention in my head. They won't stop until I respond out loud.

When a stripper sucks you so hard that the tip of your penis gets circumcised

as you walk down the street, you pretend that all of the people were zombies and you pretend you have a gun and give them headshots (even imitate the gunshot with your mouth) -MATT

Only one tissue left in the box... I'll just use toilet paper.

When you think thoughts, you think them in complete sentences as if you were saying them and in your accent.

I fill my bathtub up with marinara and then sit curled up in it and pretend that I am a meatball.

If I turn in a circle I have to turn the other way to balance it out and feel even!

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.