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(1) In the middle of a conversation, I start to think of all the crazy stuff I could do even though I would never want to i.e. punching them in the face, making out with them, flashing them.

make mini paper airoplanes in boring lessons and pretend you are flying them

I like to turn the lights off in the bathroom, actually block every little bit of light I possibly can, then take a nice warm shower, curl up on the floor, block my ears and enjoy the warm water and sensory deprivation.

I say a word and it feels like it didnt roll off of my tongue right, so I keep mouthing the word and saying it quietly to myself or in my head. Then end up saying it loudly in affirmation, possibly more than once.

I ship Bolin and Korra as a romance and a bromance. Am I weird for doing this?

Pronounce hors d'oeuvres 'whores-dev-ers' thinking I'm so witty.

Drive slow in straightaways and fast through curves, especially sharp ones.

Stepping on a LEGO block and instantly screaming and leap onto the bed.

Wait until my friends are done eating lunch so I don't have to dump my tray alone.

Boy:did it hurt? Me: Did what hurt? Boy:When you fell from heaven. Me: I came frome the pits of hell! Boy: Well then...O__O

imagine shooting lasers out from the car and bouncing them of walls and back to the car

Get scared while I'm doing things on the computer like writing these comments, or other weird stuff because I think there might be a hacker watching my screen.

realize that no one is listening to me talk so I say something completely random to try and get there attention

Sometimes I have something I want to do and then walk into the room to do it in and forget exactly what I was trying to do, it usually involves the kitchen so I just look in the refrigerator then leave and then remember what it is I wanted to do.

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

When you have a stuffy nose, and you put tissue in one nostril so you can breathe.

Blink and pretend that you just took a picture with your eyes.

never wanting to poop in other houses. You have to use your toilet

thinking that everybody in the world (except me) has a device which shows them what i am doing, watching and makes them feel what i am feeling

Imagine I'm being filmed in a reality TV show just so I could do something productive or interesting.

I get more creeped out the more I read the comments here, especially as the comments start getting really low thumbs ups.

When I'm alone with my pet, sometimes we just sit down and stare at each each other for a minute or two

I always thought Diane Ross sang '76 why don't ya babe, get out my life why don't ya babe'.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.