While in bed, I cover my head with my bed sheets because it makes me feel safe from monsters.

Having sudden realizations that you are a person who exists.

Sometimes when I look at a clock the seconds hand ticks backwards

Feel all cool and look suspiciously at everybody else while leaving the theater after a good dramatic movie.

Being able to scare people by awkwardly standing behind them

Search for blackheads on your arms for hours just because youre bored!

I always ask myself "Why am I me?". But have never come up with a good answer.

Forget a seemingly simple word. Shout it out at random 3 days later...(don't tell me you don't do this)

I say that girl's name I have a crush on right before I go to sleep because I want her to be the last thing I think about, and then wake up realizing that it was super creepy... Only to do it again the next night

call someone by a siblings name.

When I'm reading a book and I come to a word that is long or difficult to pronounce every time I come to that word again I pronounce it 'manamanam'.

Write "my opinion thinking-aloud-sentences" on the "circle the answer" test as footnotes when I'm not sure about the answer.

Think about breathing...

Every time I walk up the stairs in my own house, I feel compelled to do it on all fours.

make mini paper airoplanes in boring lessons and pretend you are flying them

when looking at a reflection of myself, i try to do it as fast as i can before the reflection does something i didnt

Pretending not to hear someone talk to you hoping they wont care enough to repeat themselves so you wont have to talk to them

Make calculations with house number. Eg: House nº 112 means house nº 4

I like wet humping better than f*cking. but sometimes it slips in anyway, and it's that's pretty enjoyable too. and mt girlfriend is cool with. ... so it's actualy pretty whatevs either way. but wet humping is my jam.

Wanting to marry Tyler Joseph but then you remember he's married :(

When ever my boyfriend doesn't reply to a text for a few hours I always imagine a worse case scenario and end up crying hystaricaly.

I get mad at women because they menstruate and that's gross. I don't judge one woman individually for it, but I'm disgusted with the whole gender, which leads to being almost disgusted with myself for being attracted to them.

Listen to song and think of a great montage that would go with it.

Left alone Big noise, people aren't expected back as soon so grab baseball bat and charge only to find them back early...."what you doing?" "batting my socks around practising my baseball skills"

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.