only turning the TV volume to numbers ending in 5

Going through a lot of Deja Vu lately, it feels like you have another life before this one.

Thinking something embarrassing, then having to talk to someone and suddenly getting worried you are about to blurt out your thoughts

When I'm walking along and just trip over my own foot I look back and pretend to look at whatever it was I tripped over.

Everytime i take of my sweater i start singing "its getting hot in here"

Make odd grunting noises and sighs of relief while going #2.

I have to keep reading website pages until I reached 5, 10, 15 etc. When I get close to my age though, I can finish there.

I always ask myself "Why am I me?". But have never come up with a good answer.

Feel uncomfortable with the TV volume on an odd number

Get turned on when you see a girl yawn

I sometimes feel like I am the only one like me in this world

Fantasize about taking over the world, and killing all religious people.

I say that girl's name I have a crush on right before I go to sleep because I want her to be the last thing I think about, and then wake up realizing that it was super creepy... Only to do it again the next night

At any time of day, when i'm not busy, someone you know pops into your head and you start talking to them telepathically, but not for long, then you realise that youre just plain crazy? anyone?

Pass wind after i ate lasagna.

Avoid as many television commercials as I can

Take nibbles whenever you get to the last piece of your burger to make it last longer.

I rearrange books, movies, etc. in the correct alphabetical order in the fiction section of my public library, other people's houses, classrooms at school, etc. Sometimes this process takes a very long time.

Say ow when I bang something I'm caring into something, even though I didn't get hurt at all. -B

Find that the kettle has recently been used and still contains hot water so decide to have a cup of tea just so that boiling that water wasn't a waste. Think that it might have cooled down by now. Reboil the water.

I put a small amount of water in glasses and freeze them for hot days when I want a cool drink

Simultaneously apply pressure to my ears to make the surrounding noises sound weird Tristan J.

When I'm watching a video on YouTube, I repeatedly click on the video slider section below the video because I feel uncomfortable not doing it, ever since I realized that you can't move to different parts of the video with your keyboard without clicking there first.

I hump my bed at night and pretend it's a hot model

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.