When you're chatting with a friend while you're walking around and not really paying attention then you turn around to took at your friend and you realise you've been talking to someone you don't even know the entire time.

Poo really loud

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never push to hard on the railing of a tall building, just in case its loose and you end up falling off.

When I get bored of sex and p*rn, I download animal "mating" stuff for variation.

Blow into the shower head when I'm taking a shower to make what sounds like jet noises

Play Minecraft

Cringe when remembering something weird about you that happened years ago

I love to garden and I love flowers. I refuse to have a window box because I don't want those creepy Sesame Street twiddlebugs to live that close to my house.

when you pick up something you think is going to be heavy and its like you suddenly have super strength

turning up the volume in your car when theres a car next to you blasting a terrible song.

hug the pillow at night so it protects me from monsters

as soon as i put some mint gum in my mouth, i sneeze countless times.

Read weird posts like this one on the HorseHead Network.

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I twerk in the mirror to see how much my ass jiggles

listening to music and not realizing ur favorite song is on until the last word

eating a sandwich with strategically placed bites such that i get the same ratio of crust to tastier non-crust sandwich center in each bite. sometimes i just take two smaller bites of crust and center part so that i don't have to taste mostly bread crust in a mouthful.

Scratch inside my ear, then lick the finger I used.

When you're in your late teens, you blare the car stereo when driving near girls that are walking. When you grow up, you turn the radio down in fear that you look like a tool bag.

I play out romantic scenarios with myself when I'm alone. We're talking full-blown just straight up talking out loud- to myself, of course. It's not that I'm lonely or anything since I did this when I had a boyfriend anyway (just to clarify, it didn't end because of this XD.) I really just feel like doing it because it's really friggin' entertaining. If you've never done it, well... it's basically like being in a really crappy, low budget soap opera, with a plot that doesn't make any damn sense, staring you as every character and the audience. That's basically the only way I could describe it lol.

imagine shooting lasers out from the car and bouncing them of walls and back to the car

Pretending to use the force while a door closes behind you, then thinking your brilliant :) -Tim.

I chew around the center of carrots.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.