when your professor describes their wife or husband you imagine their wife or husband.

Feel like something is behind you/watching you, run to your room super quickly and get into the room before that something gets you

While trying to sleep I obsess over the little red LED on the TV set which I can't even see unless I lift my head from the pillow.

Tough but loving hands!! Mmm them calluses tho!! ^_^

When there are multiple puddles on the sidewalk you try and jump in every single one of them

When you buy a car you then see that make/model everywhere.

Just ocassionally stand up and pontlessly walk around the house when using the computer. Anyone?

Talks to yourself in your head then replies to yourself out loud nikki

Make sure I put the deodorant top back on the correct way -- you know, so the sticker is to the front.

Fantasize a situation that turns you into a person with superpowers or something.

Before going to bed look around the dark room and when you see something suspicious you have a look to see its not a person

Drum on the chair between your legs and wonder if people think that you're playing with yourself.

When the vacuum cleaner's going, I try to stay as far away from it and block the noise by shutting doors.

I sometimes start thinking about very non sexual things in the middle of masturbation, like what I'm going to wear the next day.

having cool friends, but all their other friends are nerds.

in the morning when you wake up and take a shower you make weird faces to stretch out and "warm up" your face for the day

When A situation Doesn't go how I wanted it to go, It annoys me so much I sometimes shit in my hands and clap.

Remember some homework I have to do... On the day that it's due.

At any time of day, when i'm not busy, someone you know pops into your head and you start talking to them telepathically, but not for long, then you realise that youre just plain crazy? anyone?

I deeply pick my nose with tweezers. It's like the relief of pooping to me.

Think about the same confusing random dilemas that dont involve me every week and alwaus come to the same conclusion

I rearrange books, movies, etc. in the correct alphabetical order in the fiction section of my public library, other people's houses, classrooms at school, etc. Sometimes this process takes a very long time.

When I see lost posters of native parrots I always wonder how could I find 1 in a million

After reading something from this site, I find myself compelled to try it.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.