Blink and pretend that you just took a picture with your eyes.

never wanting to poop in other houses. You have to use your toilet

thinking that everybody in the world (except me) has a device which shows them what i am doing, watching and makes them feel what i am feeling

Imagine I'm being filmed in a reality TV show just so I could do something productive or interesting.

I get more creeped out the more I read the comments here, especially as the comments start getting really low thumbs ups.

I always thought Diane Ross sang '76 why don't ya babe, get out my life why don't ya babe'.

When I'm alone with my pet, sometimes we just sit down and stare at each each other for a minute or two

When reading a book where the main character has the same name as someone I know, I visualize that character in my head as that person.

When I meet someone random, and have a small conversation, and then when they leave, I feel sad because I think I am never going to see them again.

When alone at home turn on all the lights before it gets darker.

talking on the phone with somebody and then spending 10 minutes or so looking for your phone...

Sometimes I'll say quotes from movies or TV shows out loud to myself.

I have walked into a sliding glass door

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually in a coma and that everything is just a dream and my parents are standing over me watching me and wishing their daughter was awake

If I have a cold or runny nose, when I'm alone I stuff tissues in my nostrils so I don't have to keep blowing my nose sooooo much.

Talk out loud so my brother can hear me because no one ever wrote that they can read your minds. And i want him to know ineed him in my life still so I randomly say things out loud to him on accident. People always look at me with hidden shock wide eyed.

Put toilet paper in the toilet before I'm going to take a shit, so that the toilet won't get dirty.

When I see lost posters of native parrots I always wonder how could I find 1 in a million

I tend to ignore phone calls, even when I know the phone call could be important.

Massive hang-over. Say out loud and promise I will never drink like that again. Next time drink atleast as much as the last time.

Thinking of something but got distracted for a few seconds. After that, I forgot what was I thinking about.

I can't trill my R's

Whenever I go to the toilet on an airplane I worry that during the time I'm there the plane will drop out the sky.

I am sure that no one else has the same mental slowness as me and my brother. When I say mauve he says maeve and we continue like this for hours. It is certainly an exciting way of eating up those motorway miles:)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.