wen on this website go look at the most disliked

Try to give my download speed moral support: "You can do it! YES, just stay there!" For anyone out there struggling with slow internet.. I feel your pain

I hum the MLP:FIM theme and hope no one recognizes the tune.

you know that when things have only one like on this site, the people who wrote it liked it

when someones child falls and cries while you walking through town and you laugh to yourself

I think of doing something productive, but can't work up the motivation and end up on the internet instead.

I feel no shame that I am a camgirl online and bring in about $2800 a month just to flash guys my boobs. :)

When you Sitting on the couch and say "I am hungry" but then don't do anything because you are too lazy.

When eating chips I always look at each side before eating it to choose which side will taste better

When theres a car just like yours right next to your car in the parking lot you almoat always gravitate to that car instead. It's the worst when there people in the car and you keep trying to open it.

Constantly refresh your email page even though you know nothing will appear.

Sometimes I have something I want to do and then walk into the room to do it in and forget exactly what I was trying to do, it usually involves the kitchen so I just look in the refrigerator then leave and then remember what it is I wanted to do.

Half of these posts are all but "things you think only you do". So is mine

When you Saigon the couch and say "I am hungry" but then don't do anything because you are too lazy.

One time I went to my old primary school and while I was there I needed the toilet. So I go use the schools and was shocked at how small everything was I guess because I haven't been there in a while

Seeing an acquaintance who you would feel awkward talking to in a public place, knowing they see you as well, and pretending not to see them, while hoping they pretend not to see you as well.

thinking "what if people can read my mind" then cant stop thinking dirty things about people around me

When I get in the car I look in the backseat for monsters or psychopathic killers and as I am turning to check I say out loud 'Oh, maybe my book is in the backseat, let me check' so the monster or killer doesn't know I'm really looking back there for them. That way they might not kill me.

After eating a banana I leave the last bit that was in the bottom

thinking that everybody in the world (except me) has a device which shows them what i am doing, watching and makes them feel what i am feeling

When pooping I always fold my TP before. Anyone else do that? I also always have 4 squares each XD Email me if you do it :P mr.michaelgiorgio@gmail.com

I pretend to get future messages. Like when I'm about to have a bad subject. I get a message from future me telling present me like 'Oh god. Yeah, brace yourself for science today.'

place all your achievements in your room to impress your friends

Criticize a porn novel for its poor use of the English language

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.