I twerk in the mirror to see how much my ass jiggles

Wanting to marry Tyler Joseph but then you remember he's married :(

Stepping on a LEGO block and instantly screaming and leap onto the bed.

read on youtube comments with too unlikes

I look at this site and wonder if the thumbs up are all from people who actually do the same thing, or just people who like that or think it's a funny thing to do.

Walk down the street, listening to a song, singing it softly, then thinking 'I might wanna stop doing that before I look awkward', but the wires get crossed and you start singing LOUDER and so on.

Text random people saying I'm pregnant

I type a comment here and secretly feel special

creating your own personal perfect partner in romance or frendship, almost like a imaginary friend (but you don't speak to them out loud)

When you are outside, you see a small shadow moving across the ground. You think it's a ball someone threw, so you look up to catch it, only to realize it is a bird.

Constantly refresh your email page even though you know nothing will appear.

touching something (like a crack in a wall) and then thinking to yourself that your the only person thats ever touched it..

When you see someone you know in a shopping centre and you pretend that you didnt see them at all because you cant be bothered striking up a conversation.

Sometimes when you're at work and you're REALLY horny, you look around at the women you work with and think who you really would like to bone, then on another particular day when you aren't horny, you see the same women and think to yourself " I must have REALLY been horny. What was I thinking?" lol (not trying to be gross, but honestly, who doesn't get horny while at work sometimes)

When receiving instructions from people one on one, whether it's a man or a woman, I wonder what they would do if I kissed them while they are talking.

Random strong urge to squeeze immensely cute pet.

Sometimes I walk around my house with my eyes closed and pretend I'm blind.

You question gods existence and evolution but then quickly tell herself hes real so you don't get struck with a lighting bolt

When I was younger I started doing a weird habit of playing music and spinning around in circles in my room... .. I still do it to this day.

You try to tell a joke to impress everyone and then you mess it up.

I really enjoy spending my birthday alone. I never told anyone that.

when your professor describes their wife or husband you imagine their wife or husband.

When i get a back shiver. That's when i know something bad going to happen.

after switching lights..i go run as hard as i could do after reaching the bed

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.