Before getting in the shower, staring at your naked body, thinking your sexy.

I kill Solid Snake and masturbate when the Game over screen keeps screaming for my own "snake" "Snake answer me! Snake SNAAAKE!" Me: Answer coming right up and out any moment now! fapfapfap

Boinked my neighbor

Left alone Big noise, people aren't expected back as soon so grab baseball bat and charge only to find them back early...."what you doing?" "batting my socks around practising my baseball skills"

Don't make a sound when sitting in the stall and someone walks in; and in turn, don't say anything to the person in the stall even if you know who it is!

While making yourself something to eat that takes more than 5 minuets to make. Pretending that you have your own show on a cooking station and talk like your talking to the audience the whole time.

i want to FAWK the SHYT out of that girl

Love to check my astrological compatibility with my favorite musicians.

Try to give my download speed moral support: "You can do it! YES, just stay there!" For anyone out there struggling with slow internet.. I feel your pain

forget i left the light on somewhere in the house and when i see it on i think a ghost did it..

If I'm walking across a road and a car stops to allow me to pass, I say 'Thank you' even though I know full well they cannot hear me.

Pretend I'm a back-up dancer or singing a duet with the singer of the song I'm listening to.

Half of these posts are all but "things you think only you do". So is mine

I look really handsome in my mirror, only to find myself looking weird in other mirrors, and like a total retard at photographies.

After eating a banana I leave the last bit that was in the bottom

Justin Beiber is a woman

When walking around a slightly empty store, I walk around and pretend I'm a spy, trying not to be seen.

I enjoy my company, I love myself, which is contagious, people around me enjoy my company, and love themselves. Moral: Thumb me down and prove you are a sad fuck TODAY!

When home alone, I put cans in front of the door so if someone breaks in, I wake up.

Make hand gestures when talking on phone

when i watch a movie, and a character in it gos underwater, i hold my breath with that person until that person gets above water, then i let go, either that, after the character comes up from the water, i still hold my breath until i cant take it anymore.

When your best friend has a certain make/model/color car, you start seeing it everywhere you go.

Reading all these posts and being reminded that we are all more similar to each other than we think, regardless of whatever group each of us may belong to.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.