When I'm watching a movie I have already seen I hope for a different ending but soon realize it won't happen

When listening to a song with headphones or on the radio i sing the harmonies or make them while they sing the lead

smile when you find out that the things you only do is right.

Only use the left earphone.

when you read a post that you don't do then start doing it

Deside to watch a video in bed on your phone or iPad and drop it on your face...

I twerk in the mirror to see how much my ass jiggles

When I'm listening to a sad song that relates to my life while I'm walking all alone, I mouth the words and pretend I'm in a music video.

When I'm riding passenger in a car, things I'm driving past will be a part of my imaginary drum kit. When a car passes in the opposite direction, I'll tap my right foot as the bass drum, a drain hole along the gutter is my left hand snare, and the street signs and lights are the hi-hats in my right hand.

Leave coins on the floor in the corner when I have a party to see if there is a petty thief around

When the toilet paper falls to the floor, I quickly roll it again so nobody notices it.

Still sitting on the toilet 20 minutes after you're done crapping... you're not alone.. -Professor.

Flush the toilet before you finish peeing.

Pretend I'm a back-up dancer or singing a duet with the singer of the song I'm listening to.

I wonder what a baby is laughing about when they are apparently being entertained by something in the room I can't see

turn the colour down on your tv and pretend what you are watching is an old movie

freak out if poster or pictures eyes are looking at me and can't have pictures in my room of famous people, however if I'm out and scared i have to have the pictures on my phone look at me for safety.....really wondering if any one else has this

Look at a guy and think that he is a good looking guy, than immidiatly try to think of something else because thats gay.

When I wake up after having a good dream I try to remember it but I don't

I combine every item on my plate in all the possible ways, then i eat the worst part of the meal and save the best part til last.

watch old shows I used to watch when I was younger

When I find a new song I like, I listen to it over and over and over; >>Until I run that sh*t into the ground.

Eat the last bowl of ice cream. Then 6 hours later, you wish you hadn't. (sometimes even open the fridge and check whether you actually ate it or not)

When i close the refrigiator door, i re-open it and give it a good shove to make sure it tight.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.