Likes that girggle sound you make after a burp.

I only used to eat McCoys Salt & Vinegar crisps when it was raining, because I thought they tasted better when it rains. Anyone else?

Stopping the microwave at 1 second because it's late and you don't want to be loud.

When I'm bored in school I always imagine the teacher asks me something and my response is starting to sing a song. Somewhen some of my friends sing along with me. Then the whole class sings this song. We run out of classroom into the hallways and every other pupil comes out their classroom to see what's happening. Then They all sing along with me. We run out of school and sing and dance like in a musical. Then I actually remind myself, its impossible that every student knows the lyrics of the song I'm just thinking of and get depressed again.

Read what other people do that you don't, and think how weird that person must be.

i want to FAWK the SHYT out of that girl

Whenever there is a volume button on something i have to make sure its on a number 5 ie: 0,5,10,15

I have to look at myself in multiple mirrors before I leave my apartment. Sometimes if I'm alone, I'll walk back and forth between 2 or 3 mirrors about 25 times before I'm content to leave.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

thinking your pants are wet when you only just sat down for a long time

When I am bored and home alone, I sometimes try to recreate the most annoying sound in the world from Dumb and Dumber. (P.S. Sorry if this was already submitted, I didn't see it.)

Worry a lot about the efficiency of your path when walking.

Without thinking i ask questions i know the answer to

When I drink out of a disposable coffee cup with a lid, the opening on the lid has be on the exact opposite side from the seam where the cup is glued to form the cylinder.

reading at the office when you're supposed to be working then checking that the guy next to you doesn't notice. and quickly clicking a different tab when someone is walking or standing nearby.

when you're texting in class and you realize you are staring at your crotch and smiling.

sometimes when i fart i feel like i pooped a little in my underwear but tell myself ''no i didn't'' but feel poopy until i check.

I don't thumb down any submissions because then I am just as bad as the people who thumb down mine

Only taking half a biscuit because it makes you feel bad and then taking another half of a different biscuit.

Sometimes I look at security cameras and start to act suspiciously like I'm up to something... but really... I'm not.

Mares really turn me on, so I download "bad stuff" Ironically though, I worked at a farm last summer and realized there is nothing more disgusting than reality. Still mares turn me on... If on video.

When I'm around people, I sometimes yell in my head "STOP READING MY MIND! I KNOW YOU'RE DOING IT, SO STOP!" just in case.

Smelling food to see if its spicy.

if your listening to music, move the volume up and down to experience the bass a lil better

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.